Google and Search News

January 14, 2006

Using your Google Brain (Antigravitas Blog)

"Over the last year I've been using a new party discussion gambit which consists of positing that 'Google makes me smarter.' The resulting discussion quickly separates the digiterati from the illinternet sheep.

Why? Because it is true! Using Google as an outboard memory system for our brains results in a net increase of our apparent intelligence. In fact this is so demonstrably true that even the old media is starting to notice. Although, predictably, they warn of the dangers rather than exploring the positive; reminding me of similar articles from the 1970's describing how kids were starting to use calculators in school, all of which invariably ended in dire predictions of impending innumeracy. (Ignoring the fact that you have to understand math conceptually in order to use a calculator in the first place. Which should be your first clue that the writers of such articles are probably innumerate themselves, if they think math consists of memorizing the multiplication tables.)... "
